Saturday, January 15, 2011

Learning to bake and cook is fun

This weekend had been very tiring for me. I am taking inventory of all my tupperware goodies (I have boxes and boxes of them) and at the same time trying my hands at baking and the likes of it.

Learning to cook, bake, etc can be fun but at the same time tiring. Not for someone who is past over half a century and one who does not know what is the difference between yeast and baking powder etc. I rely greatly on the net and what you read from the net can be quite uncomprehending, simply because it all seems "french" to me.

Yesterday I tried hand kneading the bread dough and it turned out to be a laugh. It was edible but I would not risk it for fear of indigestion. Today's turn out was a disaster. Next I tried making kaya. Oh! it tastes real good (at least by my standards) but it was a little lumpy though. Anyone who cares to try the kaya, only on one condition. You must say it is good. LOL!

I am not resigning to the fact that I cant cook and stop at it. I will be hammering at it till I get some decent bread and kaya. And I have about less than a month to semi-perfect that.

It is so much fun learning. You are never too old to learn.

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