Saturday, September 20, 2008

Twin Heart Meditation

When I read this article from mymixedjar, it reminded me of Pranic Healing "Twin Heart Meditation".

To the Supreme One
Make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is despair, hope; doubt, faith
Where there is darkness, light; sadness, joy

From the center of the heart of God
Let the entire earth be blessed with loving-kindness
Let the entire earth be blessed with great joy and happiness

From the center of the heart of God
Let the entire earth be blessed with understanding, harmony and divine peace
Let the entire earth be blessed with goodwill and the will to do good

From the center of the heart of God
Let the entire earth, every person, and every being be blessed with divine love and kindness
Let the entire earth, every person and every being be blessed with divine sweetness, divine joy with warmness, caringness and tenderness

From the center of the heart of God
Let the entire earth, every person and every being be blessed with inner healing, inner beauty, divine bliss and divine oneness .......

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